A 6-Month Certification Program for Counselors, Coaches, Holistic Wellness Practitioners, and Others With Experience in the Healing Arts


With Program Director & Founder of Bodhi Academy
Rose Moulin-Franco, LPF, CPC


Practicum Supervisor & Lead Faculty
Sienna Terranova, LPF


Upon successful completion of the training and practicum, students can apply to Bodhi Academy for a certificate as a Certified Psilocybin Guide, a qualification created by professionals involved in state licensure standards development. 


This credential sets you among the pioneering community of Certified Psilocybin Guides worldwide.

Gain practical support skills, a deep scientific understanding, and knowledge of traditional ceremonial practices to safely and empathetically support others through life-changing and healing psychedelic experiences as a Certified Psilocybin Guide.


Program Starts Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Open to a Limited Number of Participants by Application Only


Want to know more? Click here to register for a free information session.


We’re in the midst of a psychedelic renaissance, a movement gaining widespread attention through regular media coverage on legalization, groundbreaking scientific discoveries, and billions in venture capital investments.

This burgeoning industry is poised to become a key part of the future of healthcare and psychology as more and more leaders recognize the key role it will play in the future of emotional, mental, and neurological wellbeing — and in helping clients more quickly and effectively heal addictions, traumas, grief, and even brain injuries.

Scientific research is consistently confirming that working with psychedelics in an effective and safe fashion can dramatically increase the chances for real healing and dramatic changes in people’s psychological health.

Psilocybin is set to play a particularly important role in this psychedelic future. Its safety profile and track record of efficacy makes it ideal for clinical and transformational service providers, which is why various stages of decriminalization and legalization processes are underway across the United States… and it’s happening quickly.

The future holds a revolutionary shift in healing through these potent medicines, offering chances for profound healing, transformative change, and the opportunity to build a rewarding and profitable career for those with top-tier skills.

Now that legalization efforts are gaining traction, more people are becoming open to psilocybin journeys. The mainstreaming of this work requires the establishment of clear best practices, optimized interventions, and procedures to handle different situations — and the need for better-trained guides who can create safe and nurturing environments.

Rose Moulin-Franco, LPF, CPC, our lead faculty and program director for the Psilocybin Guide Certification, brings a wealth of clinical experience, including as a member of the advisory committee to the Oregon Health Authority on best practices for facilitators, and on the preparation, administration, and integration rules of providing psilocybin services. She unites profound clinical work with deep spiritual practice, which is increasingly seen as the optimal combination for this work.

In fact, awakened consciousness is the foundation for the entire training framework for this program. It’s important to Rose that the safe use of psilocybin supports clients in finding their own path to self-realization. Her approach combines a clinical psychological approach with Indigenous and mystical lineages to help people access the ceremonial components that can create a better environment for healing.

The Psilocybin Guide Certification will teach you how to effectively fulfill an important and much-needed role, ensuring a safe, supportive, and enriching experience for those in your care.

Upon successful completion of the program and practicum, you can apply to Bodhi Academy for a certificate acknowledging that you’ve successfully completed this training and are qualified to provide psilocybin services as a Certified Psilocybin Guide. 

You’ll join the community of professional guides and be among the first in the world to be credentialed as a Certified Psilocybin Guide. You thus have the opportunity to be at the vanguard of the future of psychedelic care.


This program offers an in-depth curriculum that includes advanced training in neurowellness, micro- and midi-dosing research, and traditional ceremonial practices, as well as the most comprehensive in-person practicum available.

Collectively, our faculty has been guiding others through healing psilocybin journeys for decades — thereby imbuing your training with real-world experience.

Consciousness is the foundation of our program, guiding our philosophy that enduring healing comes from a shift into transpersonal awareness. Our faculty includes Indigenous practitioners who teach and share traditional methods from their own lineages and sacred medicine cultures worldwide.

You’ll get 150+ hours of compelling content on research-backed, hands-on, psychedelic harm-reduction methods, practices, and skills — with a full set of forms, tools, and questionnaires to help you launch your practice. You’ll also get specialized training on distinctive topics in psilocybin research, models of care, and guide skills, including:

  • The role of psilocybin in healing from traumatic stress
  • Psilocybin-assisted addiction recovery
  • Healing our heroes: benefits of psilocybin services for first responders, medical professionals, and veterans
  • Mystical experience: cultivating awakening, empowerment, and transformation through psilocybin-assisted therapies

You can look forward to an unparalleled Psilocybin Guide Certification that sets itself apart through a unique blend of tradition and innovation, hands-on direct care skills, a commitment to diverse and inclusive learning, a substantial leading-edge practicum experience, and a certification that prepares you for the future of the emerging field in psychedelic healing:

  • 150 Hours of In-Depth Online Training: We offer a greater depth, breadth, and sophistication of training with respected experts than any other program currently available.
  • Full Integration of Traditional Lineages With Modern Innovation: We respect the ancestral wisdom of earth-centered traditions in using plant medicines, blending this with pioneering research and clinical practices to create a holistic understanding of psychedelic healing.
  • Hands-On Mentorship of Direct-Care Skills: Our focus is empowering you with hands-on skills and knowledge to ensure client safety and transformative outcomes.
  • 100+ Hours of Leading-Edge Practicum Experience: Engage in a groundbreaking practicum, gaining actionable, hands-on experience in the preparation, administration (administering the plant medicine), and integration of providing clients with psilocybin services — in both individual and group settings.
  • Neuroscience Expertise: Prepares you to understand the inner workings of psychedelic experience.
  • Leading-Edge Nutritional Protocols: Enhance outcomes, integration, and ongoing client evolution.
  • Diverse and Inclusive Learning Journey: Catering to a wide range of practitioners with experience in the healing arts, our program is designed to elevate and enrich your practice.
  • Future-Ready Certification: Completing this program ensures you’re positioned at the forefront of this emerging field.


Those who have experience and training in healing professions, including — but not limited to — coaches, therapists, guides, facilitators, ceremonial practitioners, wellness professionals, and personal development mentors, will find this program a valuable addition to their current modalities.

This offering is particularly well-suited for:

  • Mental Health Professionals: Psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, and counselors looking to expand their therapeutic toolbox and integrate psilocybin-assisted therapies into their practice, especially for treating conditions such as depression, PTSD, and addiction
  • Medical Practitioners: Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers interested in understanding the therapeutic uses of psilocybin and its integration into holistic health practices
  • Wellness Coaches and Holistic Healers: Life coaches, wellness practitioners, and holistic healers seeking to deepen their understanding of psychedelic experiences and add them to their toolkit
  • Spiritual Guides and Leaders: Spiritual or religious guides, such as clergy, spiritual counselors, or retreat leaders who wish to incorporate psychedelic healing into their practices


The Psilocybin Guide Certification offers a unique opportunity for individuals seeking to make a difference in the emerging field of psilocybin services.

As the decriminalization and legalization of psilocybin and other natural plant medicines progresses in the U.S., there's a growing interest in exploring their benefits. This training addresses the demand for Certified Psilocybin Guides by preparing guides to:

  • Provide harm reduction and supported adult-use services
  • Integrate supported psilocybin experiences into existing wellness, counseling, or coaching practices
  • Offer education, preparation, and integration services
  • Learn how to create retreats, community-based programs, and education initiatives
  • Provide support for depression and end-of-life anxiety
  • Partner with therapists or doctors for safe psilocybin experiences
  • Establish “guide services” companies in decriminalized areas
  • Enhance overall knowledge of psilocybin and integration methods

Psilocybin laws vary between states and countries. As such, what you are legally qualified to do after receiving this certificate should be verified with the location in which you intend to provide services. In addition, you may need licenses or other approvals in your city, state, or country.


“The lead trainers were incredibly knowledgeable…”

This training was comprehensive and well-thought-out. There are aspects of the training that I don’t think any other programs contain because of the depth of real experience that the faculty have. The lead trainers were incredibly knowledgeable, with years of practice that showed with every topic they presented on. This training was essential to me becoming a successful [psilocybin] guide.
— Drew Snyder, LPC, NCC, Head of Psilocybin Practicums, IPI



  • Leading-Edge Qualifications: As the therapeutic use of psilocybin gains momentum, becoming a Certified Psilocybin Guide now means you’ll be among the first to legally and professionally offer these life-changing services
  • Transformative Impact: Learn to facilitate profound healing experiences that address complex issues, such as trauma, addiction, and mental health disorders
  • Personal and Professional Evolution: Embrace a role that resonates with your true purpose
  • Legal and Ethical Expertise: Stay informed and prepared with up-to-date knowledge on the evolving legal issues and ethical considerations of the field

Want to know more? Click here to register for a free information session.


During the Psilocybin Guide Certification, you’ll gain access to the latest knowledge and skills for providing psilocybin services in the best traditional and clinically proven methods for supporting non-ordinary states and psilocybin experiences.

This training is a chance to learn additional specialized content in neurowellness, brain health, and specialty coaching skills for preparation and integration sessions — so you can guide individual and group psilocybin sessions.

The program is presented in a highly organized and thoughtfully designed series of pre-recorded and live online sessions that build sequentially to effectively integrate information — throughout nine units (lasting several weeks each), and including an in-person practicum retreat.

You’ll also have the opportunity to integrate your experiences, both during the in-person practicum retreat, and in the two subsequent group integration sessions on Zoom.  

All required training hours — other than the in-person practicum retreat — will take place online via live Zoom meetings and through pre-recorded content.

The faculty of the Psilocybin Guide Certification, along with a team of instructional design experts, have created one of the most immersive and highly organized learning experiences offered at The Shift Network.


Your online practicum preparation hours will include time spent observing supervisors and experienced guides. You’ll then be observed by supervisors as you conduct intakes, preparation planning, preparation education, individual and group psilocybin administration, and integration sessions.

The administration of the plant medicine portion of your practicum will be held at a stunning retreat location in the Colorado Rocky Mountains from October 22 to October 31, 2024.

During the practicum, you’ll have the option to experience psilocybin in a legal setting and learn how to safely receive guide services from others in your cohort — so you can safely guide future clients. For those who don’t wish to consume psilocybin, other modalities for inducing non-ordinary states can be substituted, including professionally facilitated Holotropic breathwork, trance work, and sound therapy. You’ll have the opportunity to practice guiding individuals and groups, and supervisors will be present to support the learning experience.

Prior to arrival at the in-person practicum retreat, all intakes, planning, and education sessions will be conducted on Zoom. At the retreat, you’ll conduct a group preparation session, individual and group psilocybin administration sessions, and several group integration sessions.

PLEASE NOTE: Travel and lodging fees for the in-person practicum retreat are not included in the tuition.


As this intensive program continues, you’ll receive in-depth teachings and experiential guidance on:

  • Effective Dose Ranges: Explore in-depth guidance on micro-, midi-, and macro-dosing strategies, for informing clients on what dose may be best for their needs
  • The Neuroscience of Psilocybin: Delve into the neurochemistry and neurobiology of psilocybin, gaining an understanding of its impact on the brain and overall mental health
  • Depth Coaching: Facilitate emotional processing, and help your clients understand and integrate their experiences in a holistic way
  • Effective Client Communication: Develop skills in non-directive, client-centered communication, enhancing your ability to guide clients through their experiences with empathy and understanding
  • Cultural and Historical Contexts: Gain a deeper appreciation of the cultural, historical, and spiritual roots of psilocybin use across different societies and traditions
  • Practical Group Facilitation Skills: Acquire hands-on experience with managing group dynamics, creating safe spaces, and addressing challenging behaviors during sessions
  • Integration Techniques and Practices: Learn various methods and strategies for helping clients integrate their psychedelic experiences into their daily lives for lasting change
  • Ethical and Legal Considerations: Understand the ethical implications and legal frameworks surrounding psychedelic facilitation, ensuring responsible practice
  • Personal Development and Self-Care: Engage in self-reflection and self-care practices essential for maintaining your wellbeing and effectiveness as a guide

Completing this certification will signify that you have:

  • Worked with and integrated psilocybin healing through an interdisciplinary approach
  • Developed expertise in client preparation, including intake procedures, setting intentions, and managing expectations
  • An understanding of the critical role of integration and how to support clients post-experience
  • Become proficient in guiding both individuals and groups through psilocybin sessions
  • Developed an understanding of how to work with clients who have trauma, addiction, and other psychological challenges, using a trauma-informed approach
  • Engaged in a comprehensive in-person practicum, gaining practical, real-world experience in a supportive and supervised environment
  • Gained an understanding of the legalities and the ethical considerations surrounding psilocybin services

Pre-recorded teaching content taught by Rose Moulin-Franco, LPF, CPC, and a team of expert faculty will be made available the first Thursday of each unit (150 hours total), and live Integration Sessions with faculty will be on Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.


  • Unit 1: Contemporary & Historical Uses of Psilocybin
  • Unit 2: Core Knowledge & Skills for Professional Guides
  • Unit 3: Preparing Your Client for the Psilocybin Experience
  • Unit 4: Guiding the Journey
  • Unit 5: Understanding the Scope of Integration Practices
  • Unit 6: Guiding the Group Experience
  • Unit 7: Special Topics on Psilocybin Services
  • Unit 8: Online Practicum Orientation
  • Unit 9: Online Practicum Preparation, Supervised In-Person Practicum & Online Integration Sessions

For Curriculum Details, click here

Apply Now

Want to know more? Click here to register for a free information session.

*There are additional costs associated with this program. Please see the FAQ section for details.




  • Teaching Sessions With Rose Moulin-Franco, LPF, CPC, and Faculty (150 Hours Total)

    Learn from experienced and knowledgeable faculty known for training psilocybin guides in the highest standards of client care. Their cumulative 150 hours of recorded teaching content will be viewable online, at any time, from the comfort of your own home at the start of each unit. Each previously recorded session will advance you toward mastery of best-practice techniques and protocols — and immerse you more deeply in an interdisciplinary, comprehensive training of rigorous academics and experiential practices.

    Recorded teaching sessions for each unit will be made available on the Program Homepage on Thursdays at the start of each unit. Viewing all teaching sessions is a certification requirement.

  • 90-Minute Live Weekly Integration Sessions on Select Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific (15 Total)

    Live Integration Sessions facilitated by faculty offer you the opportunity for understanding, clarifying, and embodying the teachings through discussion, experiential practices, coaching, and Q&A.

    You’ll be mentored by exceptional teachers and guides as you deepen your understanding of the teaching content and practice skills in small groups. Students are expected to attend all Integration Sessions or access the recordings during the same week as the live session.

  • 2.5-Hour Live Online Training Sessions on Select Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific (7 Total)

    During this experiential training, you’ll practice the many skills you’ll use as a Certified Psilocybin Guide. Attendance at each of these live Zoom training sessions is a certification requirement.

    Additionally, there will be one full day of online extended training — the day and time of which will be scheduled after the program starts.

  • Hour-long Elective Guest Faculty Workshops (4 Total)

    Throughout the program, you’ll have access to a variety of elective workshops pre-recorded by special guest faculty on related topics. These offerings can supplement and help you personalize your experience as you determine which areas interest you most.

  • In-Person and Online Practicum (100 Hours)

    You’ll complete online preparation prior to traveling to the retreat center for the in-person portion of your practicum. During this time together in the Rocky Mountains, you’ll experience opening and closing ceremonies, medicine ceremonies, psilocybin and Holotropic breathwork journeys, and Integration Sessions focusing on such modalities as breathwork, sound therapy, and expressive arts.

    You’ll also experience:

    ♦ Daily supervision groups for debriefing, mentoring, and learning
    ♦ The opportunity to guide both individual and small group journeys in live practice under faculty supervision, with support from experienced Guides
    ♦ Evening gatherings featuring live music

    The breakdown of practicum hours are as follows:

    ♦ 26 Hours: Online Intake, Preparation & Education
    ♦ 52 Hours: In-Person Practicum Retreat
    ♦ 12 Hours: Online Integration Sessions
    ♦ 10 Hours: Online Supervision Groups With Supervisors

    PLEASE NOTE: Travel and lodging fees for the in-person practicum retreat are not included in the tuition.

  • Video Recordings* of Integration Sessions

    The live weekly Integration Sessions are designed to help you integrate what you’re learning throughout the program. The digital video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format so you can review the material anytime and anywhere at your convenience. Please note that these are not the psilocybin integration sessions that will occur at the in-person practicum retreat — those will be private and will NOT be recorded.

  • Audio Recordings* of Teachings and Integration Sessions

    After every session, the audio will be available for you to stream so you can review the material anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

  • Transcripts* of Teachings and Integration Sessions

    In addition to the video and audio recordings, you’ll also receive the transcript from each session. You can then review, print, and highlight the insights and practices you found most impactful.

    *Video, Audio, and Transcripts are NOT recorded for Peer Discussions or the psilocybin integration sessions conducted at the in-person practicum retreat.

  • Interactive Practices, Quizzes, and Final Exam

    Throughout the program, you’ll be introduced to exercises, practices, and tools to support your journey and accelerate your learning. There will be unit quizzes as well as a comprehensive open-book final exam to help you integrate the material as you make your way through the certification.

  • Online Community

    Our exclusive online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each session. Here, you can continue the discussion about your program materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level. You’ll also have the opportunity to join The Guides Collective for ongoing debriefing, mentoring, and networking — offered free during your first year of membership.

  • The Shift Network's Sacred Journey to Peru Retreat Discount

    To continue your journey with the healing properties of psychedelics, all registrants will receive a discount code for $1,000 off enrollment in a future Sacred Journey to Peru retreat offered by The Shift Network.

  • Bonus Material

    Ongoing access provided for three of The Shift Network’s most popular psychedelic plant medicine online video courses:

    ♦ Chris Bache’s 7-module course, Exploring the Cosmic Mind Through Psychedelics: A Sacred Medicine Path to Deep Universal Insights & Self-Transformation
    ♦ Stanislav Grof’s 16-module course, The Way of the Psychonaut: An Advanced Program for Exploring Transpersonal Realms
    ♦ Dr. Christopher Hobbs’ 7-module course, The Magic Mushrooms Course: A Step-by-Step Guide to Working With Psychedelic Mushrooms to Heal Your Emotions & Liberate Your Spirit

    PLUS… you’ll receive access to The Shift Network’s 2022 and 2023 Psychedelic Healing Summits featuring speakers such as Dr. Marie Mbouni, Joe Tafur, MD, Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, and many more.



Rose Moulin-Franco, LPF, CPC Program Director & Lead Faculty

Sienna Terranova, LPF Practicum Supervisor & Lead Faculty

Anthony Smith, LPF, PhD Faculty

Prema Sagara, LPF Faculty


Ben Randolph, RSPS, MHPS, CPG Faculty

Rachael Fox Feather, CST, CPG Faculty



Sean McAllister, EsqAttorney & Co-Author of Colorado Prop 122 Natural Medicines Act

Drew Snyder, LPC, NCC, LPFPsychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapist & Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator

Christine CaldwellFounder of End of Life Psychedelic Care


Robert Park, LCDCTreatment Center Owner and Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator

Christine Calvert, LCDCLicensed Chemical Dependency Counselor, Certified Holotropic Breathwork® Facilitator



“I particularly benefited from the [live online] training opportunities...”

For anyone considering this line of work, I highly recommend Bodhi Academy’s psilocybin guide training program. The collective skill sets, extensive lived experiences, and individual unique perspectives of the faculty members contribute to a program which is very comprehensive and inspiring. I particularly benefited from the [live online] training opportunities, where we were able to apply the skills we were learning in a live, simulated scenario with other students in the cohort. Rose consistently offered useful and insightful feedback on how to improve. I have no doubts that I am prepared to move forward in this work after completing this amazing program. 
— Goldie Harmon, RN

“... a well-rounded training that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed.”

The training content is rich and presented by those experienced in the field. There is a great mix of historical background and current research. All of this, combined with practical hands-on facilitation skills and a note to protect the sacred and mystical aspects, makes this a well-rounded training that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. 
— Jenn Weiss, life coach and sound healer

“These are lessons you can take away and apply in your personal growth...”

I have enjoyed and benefited from my training at Bodhi Academy. I especially enjoyed the [live online] learning sessions. Studying and practicing with the other cohort students provided a collective synergy for spontaneous moments of genius to arise for both individuals and the group. The students always seemed surprised that so much real insight into our role-play scenarios was harvested. These are lessons you can take away and apply in your personal growth with real emotion informing deep insights. Tears, laughter, and awe were not uncommon in our [live online] classes. The deepening connection between students that occurred during our sessions has affirmed and inspired me to continue to grow and to be of service to my fellow human companions on this epic journey of life as a Certified Psilocybin Guide.
— Ahva Lenay, community leader, Rhythm Sanctuary

“I feel very fortunate to be a part of this program!”

Bodhi Academy is the second psilocybin [guide] education program that I’ve attended and is, by far, a more rewarding experience. The curriculum is taught by a highly experienced professional staff and provides in-depth exploration of the numerous aspects of [guidance], including enriching [live online] training role-playing exercises. The review quizzes at the end of each module greatly help to make sure key points and concepts are understood and retained as I progress through the coursework. My cohort is great and I feel very fortunate to be a part of this program! 
— Ian Wallin


Curriculum Details

Teaching Sessions will be made available on the first Thursday of each unit. Live Integration Sessions are weekly on Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.

Unit 1: Contemporary and Historical Uses of Psilocybin (4/25 to 5/8)


During Unit 1, you’ll explore:

  • Psilocybin’s historical and current use in various cultural and spiritual contexts
  • Insights into the medicinal and therapeutic benefits of psilocybin, particularly in treating mental health issues
  • The significant impact of the Controlled Substances Act on psilocybin research and broader drug policies
  • Historic clinical trials, offering a real-world perspective on psilocybin’s therapeutic potential
  • The cultural and racial dynamics influencing the legal and research landscape of psychedelics
  • Ancient traditions from around the world that used psilocybin mushrooms for healing
  • Historical and current Indigenous sacred plant and fungi traditions
  • Methods used in clinical studies on psilocybin that are producing dramatic results

Unit 2: Core Knowledge and Skills for Professional Guides (5/9 to 6/5)


During Unit 2, you’ll learn:

  • How psilocybin affects the body and mind, a critical understanding needed for assessing client suitability
  • Insights into the neuroscience and pharmacology of psilocybin, including dose effects and contraindications
  • Skills in non-directive communication and client-centered techniques for ensuring client safety and empowerment during sessions
  • Some of the complexities of providing trauma-informed care and stewarding clients with addiction or substance abuse issues
  • How to identify and respond effectively to psychological, behavioral, and medical emergencies during psilocybin administration
  • Three effective dose ranges for working with psilocybin
  • The art of non-directive communication
  • Six techniques that can help your clients surrender to the healing process
  • Trauma-informed guidance techniques, when to intervene, and the Guide’s scope of practice
  • How to perform intakes, screenings, and preparation processes through role-playing with your fellow students

Unit 3: Preparing Your Client for the Psilocybin Experience (6/6 to 6/26)


During Unit 3, you’ll review:

  • Assessment processes and how to conduct client intakes, including a review of legal and ethical considerations in providing psilocybin services
  • The skills needed for client-directed planning and preparation, using non-directive techniques and depth coaching
  • The importance of cultural sensitivity and a trauma-informed approach in client interactions
  • Knowledge of psilocybin phases and how to give your client skills for navigating each stage
  • Protocols, coaching components, and ways of supporting clients exploring the benefits of microdosing
  • The legal landscape around providing psychedelic services and how to assess whether administering psilocybin is the appropriate path
  • Three essential legal forms necessary for a professional Guide to legally protect themselves and their clients
  • Client-focused communication techniques for supporting clients in creating their psilocybin experiences
  • Current research on the importance of proper preparation for reducing harm and enhancing therapeutic benefits
  • Client-centered questionnaires, evaluations, and forms available to use in your practice

Guest Faculty Presentation: Navigating the Legal Landscape of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy with Sean McAllister, Esq.

Unit 4: Guiding the Journey (6/27 to 8/8)


During Unit 4, you’ll learn:

  • Dosing strategies and the effects of various forms and doses of psilocybin
  • How to manage challenging behaviors and how to effectively guide your clients through their psychedelic journey
  • The skills needed to create safe, effective, and personalized settings for psilocybin administration
  • The neuroscience behind the benefits of sound and music and how they can be incorporate into sessions
  • How to build a professional guide practice, including instructions on program planning and team collaboration
  • How and when to use additional doses, and their potential effects
  • Methods for reducing anxiety, panic, and fear your clients might be experiencing
  • De-escalation and debriefing techniques for challenging experiences
  • The important elements of set and setting based on clinical evidence
  • The neuroscience of sound and music and how to incorporate their benefits into your practice
  • The phases of the psilocybin experience and how to support client navigation
  • Protocols for micro-dosing and coaching systems that track therapeutic progress
  • How to work effectively with a co-facilitator or a guide team on providing psilocybin services for couples, families, and groups
  • How to plan and manage psilocybin-specific programs and retreats

Guest Faculty Presentation: Considerations for Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy with Drew Snyder

Unit 5: Understanding the Scope of Integration Practices (8/8 to 9/4)


During Unit 5, you’ll explore:

  • Effective integration methods and strategies
  • The skills necessary for maintaining neutrality and how to use non-directive, client-centered integration techniques
  • How to assess and support clients’ safety, progress, and challenges during integration
  • Various coaching techniques and methods to enhance integration and personal growth
  • How to create and facilitate integration circles and coaching programs for individuals and groups
  • Clinical research on the importance of integration practices following psychedelic experiences
  • Non-directive, client-centered integration skills, tools, and methods
  • Practicing non-verbal integration methods
  • Reviewing clinical measures and scales for assessing psychedelic integration
  • Mastering the practice of psychedelic integration
  • How to create client programs by applying your training in the skills, methods, and tools of integration coaching
  • Honing the fine art of depth coaching with tools for helping your clients find meaning and make beneficial changes

Guest Faculty Presentation: Death, Dying & Psychedelics with Christine Caldwell

Unit 6: Guiding the Group Experience (9/5 to 9/19)


During Unit 6, you’ll learn:

  • Skills for qualifying clients and preparing for effective group psilocybin sessions
  • Tactics for establishing and managing group agreements, rules, and dynamics
  • How to facilitate safe and responsible group sessions
  • Techniques for individual interventions within group settings, and how to manage challenging situations
  • How to create and conduct group retreats, integration programs, and post-retreat circles
  • How to assess your clients’ mindset and readiness for group journeys
  • Guidance techniques for providing safe and effective client support in  group settings 
  • How to establish and maintain boundaries in a group
  • Methods for working with individuals experiencing distress during group sessions
  • The various roles available for multiple guides and how they can effectively work in conjunction in a group setting
  • How to plan and manage group retreats and create group programs

Unit 7: Special Topics on Psilocybin Services (9/19 to 10/2)


During Unit 7, you’ll explore:

  • How to support clients with a variety of needs, including those recovering from trauma, depression, neurological disorders, brain injuries, and addiction
  • Specialized skills for working with specific client groups — such as veterans, first responders, and medical emergency professionals — who may have unique emotional and mental health needs due to their professions
  • Clinical research data that highlights the benefits of psilocybin in addressing critical emotional, mental, and physiological concerns
  • The mystical aspects of psilocybin experiences, and how to cultivate these states before and during the plant medicine administration sessions
  • How to adapt your practice to meet the needs of modern psilocybin consumers, who may present with a range of issues, including entrenched trauma
  • Models of care and guide skills for clients with PTSD, neurological challenges, and traumatic brain injuries
  • How psilocybin is being incorporated into addiction recovery programs
  • The special considerations and safety methods for guiding psilocybin journeys for first responders and veterans
  • The mystical experience and learn how to cultivate these beneficial states

Unit 8: Live Online 4-Hour Practicum Orientation (10/2)


During Unit 8, you’ll:

  • Review the prerequisites for attending the 10-day, in-person practicum retreat
  • Examine the key performance markers for demonstrating competence in practicum work
  • Go over the documentation needed for attendance, receiving credit, and practicum completion
  • Meet the practicum supervisors
  • Get in sync with your practice partner
  • Deepen your understanding of expectations for the 100+ hour practicum

Unit 9: Online Practicum Preparation (10/7, 10/9, 10/11), Supervised In-Person Practicum (10/22 to 10/31) & Online Integration Sessions (11/3, 11/11)


During Unit 9, you’ll:

  • Gain practical experience in individual and group psilocybin administration and retreat-based integration sessions during a 10-day, in-person training
  • Have the option to experience psilocybin in a legal setting — or alternative non-ordinary state inductions
  • Experience direct observation and supervision by experienced guides and supervisors as you practice conducting intakes, preparations, and integration sessions
  • Step into your role as a Guide — practicing intakes, screenings, and preparation in live, supervised Zoom sessions
  • Work with your practice partner on preparing each other for your respective journeys at the practicum retreat
  • Attend our epic, 10-day immersion retreat in the Rocky Mountains where you’ll guide individual and small group sessions
  • Gather on Zoom for live, group integration sessions and supervised practice to support your integrations and those of your practice partner
  • Experience an incredible adventure, celebrate your accomplishment, and receive your Certified Psilocybin Guide certificate

Bonus Material Included:
Ongoing access to 3 of The Shift Network’s most popular psychedelic plant medicine online video courses
(Valued at $1,100)

  • Chris Bache’s 7-module video course
    Exploring the Cosmic Mind Through Psychedelics
    A Sacred Medicine Path to Deep Universal Insights & Self-Transformation
  • Chris takes you through the five stages of his initiation in a cosmological adventure that pulses with elevated insights and ecstatic visions of our multi-dimensional Universe, the Soul’s journey, and the birth of the Future Human.
  • Stanislav Grof’s 16-module video course
    The Way of the Psychonaut
    An Advanced Program for Exploring Transpersonal Realms
  • Clinical psychiatrist and consciousness explorer Stan Grof has reimagined the map of the human psyche to transform your life. In a cartographical triumph foreshadowing a radical paradigm shift in the realms of psychology and psychiatry, venture beyond your ordinary mind and uncover your extraordinary capacity to explore — and gain wisdom from — other dimensions.
  • Dr. Christopher Hobbs’ 7-module video course
    The Magic Mushrooms Course
    A Step-by-Step Guide to Working With Psychedelic Mushrooms to Heal Your Emotions & Liberate Your Spirit
  • Deepen your journey toward emotional wellness, psychological freedom, and lightness of spirit by understanding the history, leading-edge research, and best practices for wise use and holistic integration of psychedelic experiences with mushrooms.


Invest in yourself and enhance your personal growth while making a meaningful impact in the world by enrolling in The Shift Network’s 6-month Psilocybin Guide Certification.


Explore your questions and concerns with The Shift Network’s expert faculty and program graduates in one of our free upcoming information sessions leading up to the beginning of the program — available Wednesdays at 4:00pm Pacific and Fridays at 11:00am Pacific. Click here to register for a session.

To ensure that each person receives an abundance of rich learning and support in this exclusive training, it’s open only to a limited number of participants.



Join Our 6-Month Training Program



Act now to secure the best payment plan option.

*There are additional costs associated with this program. Please see the FAQ section for details.


Want to know more? Click here to register for a free information session.


A $200 non-refundable application processing fee is included in your purchase.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the cost and do you offer payment plans?


A: The investment is $14,997 USD if paid in full (payment plans available). If you apply now with a payment plan, your first payment will be due upon registration, and subsequent payments will be automatically processed every 30 days until complete. The total payment plan price includes a finance charge.

A $200 non-refundable application processing fee is included in your purchase.

Q: Are scholarships available?


A: A limited number of partial scholarships are available. For more information and to apply for a partial scholarship, click here to fill out the Psilocybin Guide Certification - Program Application & Scholarship Request. (Do not fill out a regular program application or submit an application fee if you wish to be considered for a partial scholarship.)

If you are awarded and enroll with a scholarship, your purchase will be non-refundable.

Q: What is the refund policy?


A: A refund for the program, minus the application processing fee, is available for any reason on or before Midnight Pacific on April 19, 2024. Refunds will not be available after this date.

To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date.)

Q: What are the program details and schedule for the training program?


A: All teaching sessions will be pre-recorded and available on demand on Thursdays at the start of each unit. The Integration Sessions will be held live on Zoom on Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific and will run for 90 minutes. Additional training will be held live on Zoom on select Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific and will run for 2.5 hours. There will also be one live 6-hour-day online training on Thursday, August 8, 2024. There will be required preparation as a part of the Practicum that takes place on Zoom. The in-person portion of the Practicum will take place during a 10-day retreat in Colorado from October 22 to October 31, 2024.

Required Live Online Training Sessions:
June 12, 2024 at 5pm Pacific (2.5 hours)
June 26, 2024 at 5pm Pacific (2.5 hours)
July 3, 2024 at 5pm Pacific (2.5 hours)
August 8, 2024 at 10am Pacific (6 hours with a 1-hour lunch break)
August 21, 2024 at 5pm Pacific (2.5 hours)
August 28, 2024 at 5pm Pacific (2.5 hours)
September 4, 2024 at 5pm Pacific (2.5 hours)
October 2, 2024 at 1pm Pacific (4 hours)
October 7, 2024 at 1pm Pacific (4 hours)
October 9, 2024 at 1pm Pacific (4 hours)
October 11, 2024 at 1pm Pacific (2.5 hours)

The certification program starts on April 24, 2024, and ends on November 22, 2024.

Q: What other costs can I expect?


A: In addition to your program tuition, you will be responsible for the following costs:

  • $250 Certification Fee to Bodhi Academy (due at the end of the program, upon successful completion of all program requirements). Instructions for payment will be provided at the end of the program.  
  • Food and lodging for the 10-day in-person practicum to be paid directly to the retreat center within 14 days after acceptance into the program. Price range is dependent upon accommodation selection (starting at $3,653, including tax & fees). Once accepted into the program, you’ll receive instructions to register at the retreat center.
  • Airfare (cost will vary).
  • Shuttle from Aspen airport to the retreat center is included if you arrive before 3:00pm. If you have a late arrival, you must book and pay for your own shuttle or taxi service.
  • Purchase of noise-canceling, over-ear headphones (recommendations will be provided, estimated at $300).

Q: If I participate, how many hours per month should I plan to dedicate to this training program?


A: This is an intensive, academic-level program. You need to be prepared to commit approximately 36-42 hours per month to this program.

Q: Does this training program qualify me to apply for a license as a psilocybin facilitator in the state of Oregon?


A: Not at this time. What we are offering is an extremely comprehensive guides certification, which is far more broadly applicable in all locations where professionals want to add guide services to their offerings.


Still have questions? We invite you to visit our extended FAQ page.



We are committed to your growth and confidence as a guide, ensuring that you’re equipped with the knowledge, skills, and wisdom to guide others through life-changing, healing psychedelic journeys.

In this enriching program, you’ll:

  • Practice embodying the essential qualities of a guide... presence, awareness, and compassion
  • Receive hands-on training, ensuring your mastery of the teachings and proficiency in providing guidance for profound psilocybin journeys
  • Examine how to ethically and legally navigate psychedelic healing, and learn from esteemed leaders who are guiding the way in treatment, licensure, and scientific research
  • Learn how the integration of depth coaching in your sessions, and advanced protocols for optimizing those sessions, can help ensure your clients achieve the enduring change they desire
  • Discover key insights from groundbreaking scientific research that’s driving the decriminalization and integration of multiple plants and compounds in various healing fields
  • Become equipped to work with the growing number of trauma-affected individuals turning to psychedelic healing as an alternative to traditional therapies
  • Review leading-edge research showing how psychedelics can help resolve trauma, assist in recovering from addictions, and ease conditions such as OCD
  • Discover how you can integrate psychedelic therapies into various healing fields
  • Learn how to provide harm reduction and adult-use services
  • Explore how to integrate supported psilocybin experiences into existing wellness, counseling, or coaching practices
  • Learn how to offer education, preparation, and integration services
  • Explore how to create retreats and programs


How has this training made an impact on your life and your work?

Kim, Psychotherapist and Graduate of the Bodhi Academy Psilocybin Guide Training Program

What has been the most rewarding part of becoming a Certified Psilocybin Guide?

Ben, Addiction Recovery Coach and Graduate of the Bodhi Academy Psilocybin Guide Training Program

What benefits and results have you experienced with this training?

Joseph, Graduate of Bodhi Academy Psilocybin Guide Training Program

Join the Global Community

The 6-month Psilocybin Guide Certification offers some of the most comprehensive, integrative, and deeply transformative online teachings available within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join a community of students and practitioners from around the world and immerse yourself in the profound and practical application of psilocybin healing to awaken consciousness in yourself and humanity.

Please note: Because of the rigor and intimacy of this exclusive program, we’re limiting the number of students to ensure that each person receives an abundance of rich learning and support.

We have already served over 3,200,000 people
We have customers in 180 countries
We have featured over 3,100 thought leaders in multiple domains

I am blown away by the quality provided by The Shift Network — the magnitude, the depth, the intelligence, the knowledge, and the teaching… is nothing short of amazing!
— Dominique P. Gervais


You will receive an email on the status of your application within two weeks of submission.
