Downloadable Course

Discover the Secrets to Deeply Nourishing Your Body,
Relaxing Your Mind and Awakening Your Spirit While
You Create Radiant Health and Vitality on All Levels

Experience mentorship with Harvard-trained medical
scientist, psychologist and renowned pioneer in stress and
health Joan Boryensko to discover her breakthrough insights,
teachings and practices to embody the best of who you are.

You desire a healthy and happy body. Nourishing meals, regular exercise, fresh air and restful sleep are all things you strive for in your daily life.


You also seek to expand your mind and intellect – tackling challenging assignments at work, thinking through complex issues and coming up with creative solutions to sticky problems.

And, then, when there’s time left over, you tend to your soul.

Yet, what years of mind-body-spirit medicine research has discovered is that your life actually works MUCH better when it’s the other way around!

If you’re like most people, you’ve been taught to respond from your “role” vs. your soul.

But what scientific research and practical wisdom have shown us is when you start with your soul and prioritize its nourishment regularly, you’re able to access its guiding energy and generative healing powers – and experience your utmost vibrancy, health and wellbeing.

That’s why we’re bringing back the practice of “SoulCare” with renowned holistic health and wellness pioneer Joan Borysenko.

In these 7 modules, you will experience her powerful approach to healing and creating your greatest health, wellbeing and vitality – while you deeply nourish your soul.

As a Harvard-trained medical scientist, psychologist and director of a spiritual mentoring program, Joan has discovered that living your best life is a multidimensional process of caring for your body, mind and soul.


Through this course, you will dive deep into your own “soul care” and experience something that doesn’t easily lend itself well to words.

But it shows up in your life as deep contentment, a quiet clear mind, energy to act at the right moment, the emergence of love and harmony and seeing the beauty in who you are, what you do and everything that’s around you.

This experience is really what’s meant by “full-spectrum health.”

Living from the soul is contagious. It’s a precious transmission of love and human potential that infects the people around you.

And with a conscious community led by one of our greatest mind-body-spirit pioneers, you will nurture your soul while bringing healing to your family, your friends, your clients, your community, and to our world, especially in this powerful time of global shifts.

How You’ll Benefit from This Course

The skills you’ll learn in this course are particularly important in this time of great change.

Learning to deeply nurture your soul, live with uncertainty and be courageous, open and curious in the face of the unknown opens the door to tremendous guidance.

When you live in this way, you can experience greater health and wellbeing as well as claim your part as a co-creator in our rapidly emerging future.

Here’s what you can expect to experience:

  • Deepen your connection to your own core Self, to others and to the Source of Being
  • Heal childhood trauma or painful experiences via mindfulness practices and the new brain science of affective neurobiology to rewire old emotional circuits
  • Free up more available vital energy and creativity to pursue your passions in life
  • Experience fewer stress-related physical symptoms – including headaches, digestive disturbances, back pain, inflammatory disorders. Your blood pressure may become lower and your sleep more restful. (Remember to consult your physician before stopping any medications that you might be taking.)
  • Finetune your connection with synergy and guidance that’s ever-present with you
  • Experience the healing powers of compassion, forgiveness and self-acceptance
  • Readily express your natural states of mindfulness and gratitude
  • Enjoy a vibrant community of inquiry and practice that can go forward into the future together

A Soulful Invitation from Joan Borysenko


Dear friends,

More than 50 years ago I experienced serious childhood mental illness – psychosis and OCD.

After several months I recovered almost overnight through a profound spiritual experience that changed my perception of life. A few moments of contact with the soul – what I call my inner physician or authentic Self – provided me with the inner strength and guidance I needed to heal.

Reconnecting with the soul, which came as a fleeting glimpse during a very dark time in my life, became my deepest longing and professional calling in medicine, psychology and the art of spiritual guidance.

Western healing arts center on the physical body and, to a more limited extent, on the mind and the interactions between the body and mind. Medicine and psychology can certainly be powerful and lead to much needed cures.

Yet the source of much of our chronic dis-ease, dissatisfaction, addiction and failure to protect and enhance our health is a false sense of identity. Like human computers, our response to the world is programmed and limited. We live from what Quaker educator Parker Palmer calls our “role” rather than from our soul.

Healing comes from the root word for wholeness. And when we expand beyond our personal and societal programming, we become available to the energy and guidance of the soul.

That experience doesn’t lend itself well to words. Yet it is the feeling we most cherish – contentment, a quiet clear mind, energy to act at the right moment, and the emergence of love, harmony and beauty in who we are and what we do.

The best part is that living from the soul is contagious. It’s a precious transmission of love and human potential that infects the people around us.

The nascent field of spirituality and healing provides a small research database about the value of living from our center. My background as a cancer researcher at Harvard and Tufts Medical Schools, a medical educator, health psychologist, author and trainer of spiritual mentors is what I want to build on with you through this 7-part SoulCare Course.

Bringing together the heart, the mind and the soul is what I love the most.

I’m grateful to Stephen Dinan for giving me the opportunity to share what I’ve learned so far, to be instructed by what you’ve learned, and to form a community of inquiry and practice that can nurture your soul while bringing healing to our families, our clients, our communities and our world in this powerful moment of global shift.

Please join me and let your friends know about The SoulCare Course, too. I know that we will co-create a transformative and exciting growth experience together in this new and powerful online learning format!

From my heart to yours,
Joan Borysenko


What Other Thought Leaders Say About Joan Borysenko


“Joan Borysenko is the smartest woman I know. Drink in her wisdom.”
– Wayne Dyer, Ph.D.


“Joan Borysenko is a respected scientist, a talented therapist, and an unabashed mystic.”
– Dean Ornish, M.D.


“Joan’s extensive background in mind body medicine, her spiritual wisdom, and her heartfelt care for each and every one of us comes through loud and clear.”
– Debbie Ford


Here’s What Stephen Dinan Has to Say About SoulCare:

What You’ll Learn: Course Overview

Every class in The SoulCare Course is 90 minutes and has four components: an in-depth presentation from Joan; a small group exercise or inquiry; a large group discussion; and a guided imagery or meditation practice. You’ll also have a place to post online, interact with other course participants and gain further guidance from Joan between sessions.

For the seven modules of the course, your invitation is to commit to a practice of your choice so that we can explore the nature of the soul together. Holding ourselves and each other accountable for moving into the kairos realm together will ensure that the course not only feeds our minds, but also reaches into the depths of the soul beyond words and concepts.

Course Lessons

Module 1: Entering the Temple of Your Soul


Research in spirituality and health has identified meaning and faith as central to wellbeing, prevention and recovery from illness and surgery.

In this session, you will explore the nature of your spirituality, enter the temple of your soul through inquiry and practice, and begin an exploration of the two intersecting worlds of chronos or clock time and kairos or eternal time.

In Module 1, you will:

  • Explore your personal experience of the soul
  • Discover exactly what helps you connect to your spiritual center
  • Receive guidance for deepening your spiritual practice, or discover how to undertake a new spiritual practice
  • Uncover any blocks you have to connecting to your soul

Module 2: Listening Deeply to Your Body-Mind Conversation


In this session you will explore the pathways through which your emotions and beliefs become embodied – from neuro-hormones to immune function; from stress to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines that can predispose you to illness; and from adrenal fatigue to burnout and depression. You’ll deeply explore this circle to understand how illness and stress can guide you back to your soul.

In Module 2, you will:

  • Discover how spiritual principles help you to become “stress hardy”
  • Learn how your thinking predisposes you to health and illness
  • Recognize and overcome “New Age Guilt” and simplistic thinking in the mind-body realm
  • Discover how illness acts as a metaphor for our lives (or not)
  • Learn to use stress and burnout as course corrections

Module 3: Restoring the Soul of Childhood – Using the New Brain Science to Rewire Emotional Pathways


Twenty years of research has shown beyond any shadow of a doubt that time does NOT heal childhood wounds. It only conceals them. There is a dose-response relationship between the number of adverse childhood experiences (neglect; emotional, physical or sexual abuse; a missing, addicted, depressed, incarcerated or mentally ill parent; violence toward the mother) and physical health for the remainder of the lifespan.

In Module 3, you will:

  • Heal childhood wounds using the new breakthroughs in affective neurobiology
  • Create rituals (which operate in the realm of the soul, the imagination and the amygdala) and create healing of a different order than talk therapy (which operates at the level of the hippocampus)
  • Discover when spiritual practices can help heal childhood wounds and when they act as “bypasses” and block effective healing
  • Embody the archetype of the wounded healer
  • Access psycho-spiritual healing resources for you as an individual and for your clients (if you’re a healthcare professional)

Module 4: Activating the Power of Forgiveness and Healing


One of the most active areas of research in integrative medicine is the link between forgiveness and health. An interesting research tidbit: 94% of people believe that forgiveness is a good thing for their health and peace of mind. But only 48% have tried it.

The conditioned self is averse to self-reflection and change, yet is always pushing to improve and judging the parts of yourself that are not yet developed. It encourages self-hatred rather than compassion. The soul is ruthless in pointing out your conditioning, yet as loving as the Great Mother who encourages the still sleeping parts of you to wake up and shine.

In Module 4, you will:

  • Realize the power of forgiveness and its direct correlation to your health and wellbeing
  • Discover what you gain (and lose) by holding on to grudges
  • Understand the misconceptions of forgiveness that prevent people from experiencing it (and how it differs from reconciliation)
  • Learn soul practice that open the door to forgiveness of self and others

Module 5: Navigating Change with Resilience


The universe comes into being now, and now, and now again, freshly creating in every moment. Change is the only constant you can depend on. The way you approach unwanted change leads to stress or despair on the one hand, or to transformation, soul growth and service on the other.

Change begins with the death of what was and culminates in the dawning of something new. The intermediate or liminal stage is “the place between no longer and not yet.” This is the most fertile, but also the most challenging, part of the process.

Navigating this change is an essential skill for living in these times of global shift. Moving through liminality with grace, and without allowing the fear of the conditioned self to move to premature closure, requires a set of soul competencies in the area of resilience.

In Module 5, you will:

  • Discover how to get comfortable with the unknown
  • Discern between allies, mentors and “enemies” (those who drain your energy and collude with the conditioned self to create fear)
  • Practice the power of mindfulness and gain the capacity to still your mind and calm your body
  • Develop your curious self and learn to listen to your intuition
  • Become a resilient, soulful shelter and support to others

Module 6: Entering the Imaginal Realm of Your Life


The conscious mind is like the tip of an iceberg. The soul lives in the unconscious realm where imagery, rather than words, is the mode of expression. Fantasy, imagination and dreams convey a lot of information about physical and emotional healing, the meaning of symptoms, undiagnosed illness and the means to recovery.

In Module 6, you will:

  • Discover the link between fantasy and healing
  • Explore your dreams and see them as “letters from the Divine”
  • Understand how your waking dreams and imagination convey information about your health and wellbeing
  • Learn to awaken in and from your dreams

Module 7: Tuning into Your Soul’s Compass – The Art of Spiritual Guidance


As a human being, you may not realize this but you are a master in the fine art of self-deception. Discerning the flow of guidance from ego reactivity is an important – and often neglected – healing art. Is that strong hunch you have about your health or another issue a true unfolding of the inner guide/physician or something else?

When you tune into your guidance and learn to trust it as part of your daily life, you will be directed as to how to evolve and free yourself from the repetition of karma to experience the dharma of life.

In this session, Joan will draw from her book, Your Soul’s Compass: What is Spiritual Guidance, in which she and her husband Gordon Dveirin interviewed close to 30 male and female spiritual leaders – Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Sufis, Quakers, Hindus, shamans and intuitives.

In Module 7, you will:

  • Explore the 4-part cycle of guidance: alignment with Source, discernment, action and retrospection
  • Discover the keys to embodying energy as guidance
  • Discern the difference between synchronicities, knowings and red herrings
  • Learn the art of the SoulCircle (experienced in small groups)
  • Realize the joy of being and having an “anam cara” or soul friend

The SoulCare Bonus Collection

Bonus #1: “How to Turn Life’s Difficulties into Labor Pains of Self-Birth” Audio with Bernie Siegel, M.D.


Dr. Bernie Siegel, an internationally recognized expert in holistic medicine and cancer treatment, joins Dr. Joan Borysenko for a lively dialogue on living your most authentic life and turning life’s difficulties into labor pains of self-birth.

There’s no way around human challenges – all of us encounter these along our path. But you can find a way to keep being re-born, living your life with deep meaning and satisfaction, even with pain.

Bernie is one of the original pioneers in integrative medicine, and if you haven’t yet heard him speak – or even if you have – you’re in a for a real treat with this bonus recording.

Bonus #2: “Healing Trauma with Soul Care” Audio with Dr. Christine Hibbard


Dr. Christine Hibbard, a leading-edge teacher of mind-body-spirit health and human consciousness for over 27 years, joins Joan Borysenko for a dialogue on how we can heal trauma by caring for our soul. Healing is about relationships and the human connection of heartfelt energy.

Drawing from her experience working with post-war trauma refugees in Kosovo, Yugoslavia and other parts of the world, Christine shares from a compassionate and heart-expansive place on how we can truly heal any trauma in our lives.

Bonus #3: “Strengthen Your Spiritual Practice to Strengthen Your Health”
A 3-Part Audio Mini-Course with Dr. Elliot Dacher


Module 1: The Practice of Meditation and Mind Training

  • Discover meditation and mind training practices that will lead you deeper into peace than you’ve ever been before
  • Experience ancient wisdom teachings to develop your mind-body-spirit connection

Module 2: Authentic Happiness and Inner Peace

  • Discover the keys to human flourishing and how YOU can best flourish
  • Examine the root sources of the overactive/afflicted mind and explore practices that allow you to break through these disabling mental patterns
  • Explore how you can redefine health to be consistent with its traditional aim as a “state-of-being” rather than merely a state-of-biology

Module 3: Spiritual Practice in Daily Life, Relationships and Work

  • Discover how to invite optimal wellness to be present throughout your life, including through aging, disease and death
  • Explore how your relationships and work can become spiritual practices
  • Experience how you can create and sustain a lifelong program of spiritual development

What Participants Say About Joan Borysenko and SoulCare:

“Joan Borysenko is a gift to all who know her and will take advantage of her teachings. She is a brilliant woman and so inspiring! I would love to take further courses with her – she is just wonderful!”
- Gayle S.

“Joan’s course and The Shift Network are an inspiration during very difficult times. They confirm what I am learning in my own spiritual practices and give hope and knowledge for the future. Joan’s humbleness and warmth made the course very special.”
- Louise

“Such lively and deeply authentic conversations that inspired and touched my soul. Joan is amazingly down to earth with glowing compassion.”
- Cheryl

“Joan provides meaningful, useful, and inspiring messages that deeply resonate with my True Self.”
- Verlynda

Joan, what an example you set. You show us how to be authentic without spiritual posturing. And Lord knows with the image-makers and the age of hype that we live in where it is put to us that we must ‘appear’ a certain way to be legitimized you show us that there is a more ancient and timeless way to be legitimized: be yourself/Self.... hiccups and all. Love you!”
- David P.

Join the Global Community

The SoulCare Course is not only the most advanced form of online training currently available, it’s also a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join your fellow students and practitioners from across the world in the live interactive conference calls or in the custom online community, to support and learn from each other while you hone your skills to fully engage in the practice of "soulcare."

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-Minute Recorded Audio Sessions with Joan Borysenko

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from one of the leading mind-body-spirit pioneers from the comfort of your own home. Each 90-minute audio recording helps you create the specific skills and abilities to fully nourish your body, relax your mind, and awaken your spirit. In addition, each audio session is available to you to download in high quality MP3 format. This way you can listen anytime and anywhere on your iPod, in your car and at your convenience.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Each Class Session

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to deepen your understanding of the key insights and practices.


SoulCare BONUS Collection (Total Value $247)

  • Audio Training with Dr. Bernie Siegel: "How to Turn Life’s Difficulties into Labor Pains of Self-Birth"
  • Audio Training with Dr. Christine Hibbard: "Healing Trauma with Soul Care"
  • 3-Part Audio Mini-Course with Dr. Elliot Dacher: "Strengthen Your Spiritual Practice to Strengthen Your Health"


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Your Satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE the SoulCare Course led by Dr. Joan Borysenko and feel that it meets your needs, please let us know within 2 weeks of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

About Joan Borysenko, PhD


This distinguished pioneer in integrative medicine is a world-renowned expert in the mind/body connection. Her work has been foundational in an international health-care revolution that recognizes the role of meaning, and the spiritual dimensions of life, as an integral part of health and healing.

Eloquent and inspiring in settings that range from hospitals to hospices, from theaters to conference venues, and from boardrooms to houses of worship, she is a credible bridge between faith and reason. Her brilliance, humor, and authenticity – in combination with the latest research – make her a compelling and inspiring teacher, speaker and writer.

After graduating magna cum laude from Bryn Mawr College in 1967, Dr. Borysenko earned her doctorate in Medical Sciences from the Harvard Medical School, where she completed post-doctoral training in cancer cell biology. Her first faculty position was at the Tufts University College of Medicine in Boston.

But after the death of her father from cancer, she became more interested in the person with the illness than in the disease itself, and returned to Harvard Medical School to complete a second postdoctoral fellowship, this time in the new field of behavioral medicine. Under the tutelage of Herbert Benson, M.D., who first identified the relaxation response and brought meditation into medicine, she was awarded a Medical Foundation Fellowship and completed her third post-doctoral fellowship in psychoneuroimmunology.

In the early 1980’s Dr. Borysenko co-founded a Mind/Body clinic with Dr. Benson and Dr. Ilan Kutz, became licensed as a psychologist, and was appointed instructor in medicine at the Harvard Medical School. Her years of clinical experience and research culminated in the 1987 publication of the New York Times best seller, Minding the Body, Mending the Mind, which sold over 400,000 copies. The 20th anniversary edition, newly revised, was published in 2007.

Author or co-author of 13 other books and numerous audio and video programs, including the Public Television special Inner Peace for Busy People, she is the Founding Partner of Mind/Body Health Sciences, LLC located in Boulder, Colorado and the Director of The Claritas Institute Interspiritual Mentor Training Program. She also hosts a weekly Internet radio show, Your Soul’s Compass, for Hay House and is one of the most popular and sought after speakers in the field of health, healing, and spirituality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! If you find that the course is not meeting your needs, please visit our support site and submit a request at so that we can address your concerns. We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. Submit refund requests at with the subject "Refund request.

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.


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